First Step Recovery

#2701 12th Ave S



The entire First Step Recovery team is committed to supporting your recovery needs during this difficult and uncertain time. We continue to work with existing clients and are taking on new clients. Our staff continues to serve all clients and agencies that we support in the community. If you would like schedule an assessment or have any questions, please call 701-451-4900 or contact us online.


At First Step Recovery, we believe individuals with a substance use disorder can manage this disease and regain control of their life. Long-term recovery is possible, and our Licensed Addiction Counselors and medical staff are here to walk alongside you and your family every step of the way.

Offering Treatment For
  • Alchohol, Drug Abuse, Prescription Drugs
Treatment Methods
  • Adults who struggle with alcohol or drug use can find the education, therapy, and other supports they need through The Village's First Step Recovery program in Fargo, North Dakota. First Step is licensed to provide comprehensive, confidential outpatient treatment for adults. We teach you the tools and life skills needed for long-lasting recovery in a warm environment, where each person is treated with respect and dignity.